A very warm welcome is extended to you from all at Carstairs Primary School.
Working as a team, we aim to nurture a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment, conducive to every child achieving their potential. We strive to ensure that all of our learners have access to an enjoyable, broad and relevant curriculum, with support and challenge being readily available. We celebrate achievement and attainment and work hard to maintain a warm, positive, nurturing, ‘Can-Do’ ethos, in which all members of our community feel valued.
Our school vision statement is - ‘Be safe, be happy, be all you can be’. We value effort, respect, confidence and kindness. As a whole school community, working with passion, enthusiasm and drive, we are absolutely and relentlessly committed to ensuring that this vision and these values are fully realised by our learners.
We operate an open door policy. Our team believes strongly in the benefits of partnership working, in aiming to provide the best possible education for your child. We believe whole-heartedly, in the power of partnerships with our parents and families, in order to help our learners achieve their maximum potential.
If you have any questions/queries at any time, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to hear from you.
Angela Sneddon
Head Teacher